2 A Season of Knives Page 6
‘That’s settled then,’ said Scrope, who sometimes behaved as if he were not quite so foolish as he looked. ‘We’ll include the clause in the new agreement. A splendid idea, Sir Robert; thank you.’
Pennycook and his men glowered at him in unison and he favoured them with a particularly sweet smile.
‘Ehm,’ said Pennycook, his voice rather higher than normal. ‘This is all verra weel, Sir Robert, my Lord Warden, but we canna go about putting in new clauses to the victualling contracts wi’ nae mair than a wave of a hand…The advocates to draft it will cost a fair sum, d’ye not think?’
‘Of course, Mr Pennycook,’ said Carey, while Scrope dithered and looked worried. ‘I was thinking of sending to Newcastle and briefing an English lawyer to check over those contracts as well while we’re at it. Might as well make them as watertight as possible, don’t you think? Litigation is such an expensive game.’
Mr Pennycook had small brown watery eyes and a pale bony face gone very waxy. There was a pause while he seemed to be struggling for words. ‘Sir Robert?’ he said, drawing his rich brocade gown tight about him. ‘Surely ye canna be threatening me wi’ legal action?’
‘Threatening you, Mr Pennycook?’ Carey laughed artificially. ‘Nothing could be further from my mind. I was only agreeing that while we’re briefing lawyers to draw up the new wastage clauses in the victualling contracts, we should get our money’s worth and have them look at the contracts as a whole as well. Wasn’t that what you said?’
Mr Pennycook had in fact paid good money to the young lord Scrope’s father and Sir Richard Lowther to keep the contracts unexamined. He made a little rattle in his throat.
‘After all,’ Carey added confidingly, ‘clerical errors do creep in, don’t they, what with copying and recopying.’
For a horrible moment Mr Pennycook wondered if this strange creature had actually read the contracts, and then decided it was impossible. Nobody except a lawyer could understand a word of them. He fixed on high indignation as the only possible escape.
‘And now ye’re dooting ma word.’
‘Far from it, Mr Pennycook,’ Carey said affably. ‘Why would I do that? Have some more ale.’
‘I’ll not sit here and be insulted,’ Pennycook said, rising to his feet with dignity. ‘Good day to ye, my Lord Warden, Deputy.’ He fixed the thoughtful Michael Kerr with a glare and said, ‘Are ye with me, Michael?’
Kerr stood, made his own bows and followed Pennycook from the chamber in a rush of dark brocade and velvet. Scrope sat staring at the green meat before him and frowned worriedly.
‘Was that wise, Robin?’ he asked and began twiddling his knife in and out of his spidery fingers. ‘Our stores are nearly empty.’
‘Well, my lord,’ Carey said. ‘Sir Roger told me that until the contract’s signed, you have them at a disadvantage. They need you more than you need them. Pennycook has warehouses full of food that no one can sell anywhere else, bought dirt cheap, and harvests paid for in advance. If his contract is not renewed, then he’s a ruined man.’
‘Hm. I never thought of that. So you think he’ll come round?’
‘There isn’t more in this, is there, Robin?’
I wish you wouldn’t call me by that name, Carey thought, but shrugged.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You’re not after the victualling contract yourself, are you? Or for somebody you…heh…know?’
Carey made a little shake of his head. He hadn’t in fact thought of it that way, but it was an interesting idea. Everyone knew victualling contracts were pure gold…
‘I don’t know, my lord,’ he said honestly. ‘But it’s a thought, isn’t it?’
Scrope beamed at him. ‘Get Simon to clear this dreadful rubbish away,’ he said. ‘I’m not at all hungry.’
Monday 3rd July 1592, morning
Pennycook walked speedily away from the Castle, trailing his factor and junior clerk, collected two further henchmen at the gate and went to his house.
‘How much d’ye think the new Deputy Warden wants?’ Pennycook asked Michael Kerr as they sat with spiced wine and wafers to settle their stomachs. Michael was his son-in-law and he valued the young man’s advice.
Kerr shook his head. ‘I don’t think it’s so simple as that,’ he said. ‘I heard Thomas the Merchant offered him the usual pension and he turned it down flat.’
Pennycook half choked on his wine. ‘Eh? But he’s a courtier, is he no’?’
Michael Kerr shrugged. ‘He is, but that’s what I heard.’
‘Perhaps it’s Lord Scrope putting him up to it. Perhaps he’s turning the screw on the price.’
Pennycook sat back in the carved chair, looking relieved. ‘Ay,’ he said. ‘That must be it. He’ll get the difference between what the Queen pays and what we ask, and he’ll have put his Deputy up to the game…I dinna like this talk of lawyers, though.’
‘Well, you started it,’ Kerr pointed out. He was pacing up and down, looking very worried. ‘I wish ye hadnae. That young Deputy’s mad…’
‘Don’t trouble your head, Michael. It’s Lord Scrope.’
‘No, but…’ Michael Kerr was rethinking his own theory. ‘It must have been a surprise to him, when he saw the…the…er, vittles brought in. I saw his face. He’s not that good an actor, and he was angry wi’ his little wife as well. No. It’s the Deputy. And I know what he’s up to.’
‘See, if it was just a bribe he was after, he would have come to you privately and said, this is what I’ll do unless…And you would have argued a bit and then paid it. This was too public. If he suddenly changed his tune, him or Scrope, and says the vittles is fine, well, it’s an embarrassment.’
‘So?’ asked Pennycook warily.
Michael Kerr drank some wine.
‘He’s after the victualling contract himself,’ Kerr said grimly. ‘Or he’s doing it for some big London merchant.’
Pennycook screwed up his face in horror. ‘But they canna supply from London…’
‘Or in Newcastle or where he grew up in Berwick. Anyway, they only back him. He insists on the wastage clauses and that gives him the way out of renewing. Then Scrope will give him the contract and then…’
He didn’t have to explain it. The two of them were as deep in the business as they could be. There were ships already on their way from further down the coast and packtrains from Scotland, all of which would need paying soon—and with what, if not the Queen’s money?
Pennycook’s face was a bony mask and Kerr felt sick.
A servingman knocked at the door and then slid round it.
‘Mr Pennycook, sir,’ he said, cap in hand, ‘Andy Nixon’s waiting downstairs. He’s desperate to see ye, sir.’
‘What does he want?’
‘Willna say, sir. Only he has to see ye now.’
Elizabeth Widdrington regretted having to leave Carlisle, in a way, but in another way it was a relief to have the decision taken from her. She would have liked to give her poor horses more rest—after all they had been from Netherby to Falkland Palace and back in a week—but she would take the journey to Widdrington very gently and spend four days on it, rather than the two it had taken her coming the other way.
She sighed, signalled for her menservants to carry the packs down from her chamber in the Keep, and followed after them hoping she would find the two men-at-arms Scrope was lending her, but not Philadelphia’s persistent brother.
Like them, he was waiting for her at the stables. She paused by the muck heap before he saw her, and watched him for a while. It was likely to be her last good stare at him, so she took her time. Cramoisie wool for his suit was a dangerous colour for him, but this was the right shade of purple red: his hose were paned and padded but not foolishly so, and made his long legs very elegant; his doublet had a slight peascod belly for fashion’s sake, the kind a man could only get away
with if his own stomach was as flat as a pancake. The fit was perfect across his broad shoulders. It was trimmed with black braid and had a row of carved jet buttons down the front that caught the light. She found it horrifying to think what the buttons alone might have cost, never mind the London tailoring that shrieked from every line of his clothes. He was wearing a plain linen collar on his shirt, rather than a ruff.
She smiled a little. There was no question he was vain, but she couldn’t help forgiving him for it. He had evidently changed his mind about regrowing his little Court beard because he had shaved that morning. His hair was still dyed black though showing dark chestnut at the roots. She had saved his face quite consciously for last, his long mobile face with that jutting Tudor nose, his blue eyes which could make her laugh only by dancing and quirking an eyebrow…Oh, for goodness sake, he was only flesh and blood and she was mooning like a lovelorn girl.
She ignored those tediously sensible thoughts and stayed where she was, watching. At the moment he was talking to one of the grooms; now he went and greeted his charger, a large black beautiful creature completely out of place among the scrawny tough little hobbies. He smiled, patted the shining arched neck affectionately, gave him some salt from his hand. It hurt her deep inside her chest—where her heart was, she assumed—to see the casualness of that affection. If only he knew it, she valued that in him far more than his unconcealed passion for her. Passion, she believed, could only be fleeting, no matter what silly poets might say, but kindness…That was built into a man, or it wasn’t. She had never seen her husband show kindness to any creature: from his horses, his dogs, his servants, his son, his wife, from all of them he simply expected obedience, in exchange for not beating them or humiliating them.
And that memory brought her back to earth with a vengeance. She took a deep breath, let it out again to quell any foolish tremors, and forced herself to march forwards.
Her grooms had prepared the horses. Young Henry was there checking hooves and legs. Carey turned to face her, one long hand still at his favourite horse’s neck. He bowed to her, she curtseyed. Young Henry straightened up, patted the hobby’s neck and shook his head.
‘I’m not happy, ma’am,’ he said to her in his surprisingly deep voice. ‘They’re still not recovered.’
‘Why the haste, my lady?’ asked Carey.
For a moment there was a flood of words in her mouth, battering at her teeth to be let out. Because if I stay in Carlisle much longer, Robin, you’ll have me in your bed and that would not only mean ruin for both of us, it would be a wicked sin in the face of God. The words were so bright in the forefront of her mind, for a second she thought she had said them, but his expression didn’t change the way it would have. She swallowed hard and the nonsense subsided. For answer, because her throat wasn’t working properly, she took a letter from her sleeve and gave it to him.
Carey took it; his eyes narrowed at the seal. He opened it, and read it. The blue stare scanned the curt lines from her husband, and then lifted to hers.
‘I see,’ he said. ‘You told him what you had done to help me at Netherby. Was that wise, my lady?’
A week before she had lent him the Widdrington horses to provide cover for his masquerade as a pedlar, knowing full well it would take a miracle if she was to see them again. Although the miracle had happened, wrought by Carey somehow, still…
‘It would have been foolish to do anything else,’ she said coldly, ‘since his friend Lowther would have told him the full tale, with embellishments. At least this way, I cannot be accused of dishonesty.’
‘Yes,’ he said.
‘But you understand, I simply cannot stay here against my husband’s clear orders.’
‘You told him the horses would be overtired?’
‘At the time I wrote to him, I didn’t know whether I would get them back.’
‘I wish you would stay a day or two more,’ he said. ‘I could give you a proper escort then, when my men come back from haymaking.’
‘We have our own hay to get in,’ Elizabeth said. ‘That’s partly why he’s…angry. And the reivers will be busy too.’
‘Not the broken men,’ said Carey. ‘They can steal what others mow and stack.’
Elizabeth shrugged. There was no help for it and she saw no point in putting it off. ‘I’m sure my husband’s name will be some protection,’ she said.
‘Not in this March. In the East March, certainly, the Middle March perhaps, but not…’
‘Sir Robert, there is simply nothing to discuss. I must start for home today. Are the horses ready, Henry?’
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘As ready as they’ll be without a couple of days’ more rest.’
She clicked her fingers at one of the grooms, and he led her horse up to the mounting block. He would have offered her his arm to mount, but Carey was there first. The flourish he gave the simple act of helping her into the saddle could have been meant for the Queen of England, and she knew perfectly well he did it that way on purpose.
She hooked her leg over the sidesaddle, found the stirrup and rearranged her skirts, took the reins and her whip from the groom.
‘Do you never ride pillion?’ Carey asked, smiling up at her.
‘I prefer to make my own mistakes,’ she told him severely and he smiled wider. ‘Goodbye Sir Robert,’ she managed to say, without the least wobble in her voice, and felt quite proud of herself for doing it.
Young Henry was in the saddle as were the other four men, all of them wearing their jacks and carrying lances. Henry’s jack betrayed him by its new pale leather. Nominally, Young Henry was in command as her husband’s heir and those who wished to think it true, could do so. Elizabeth nodded at him, checked that her hat was well pinned to her cap and hair, and let him take the lead out of the stable yard.
She had already embraced Philadelphia and exchanged courtesies with Lord Scrope, though the two of them were in the main castle yard to see her off. She rode with her back so straight that her horse skittered sideways uneasily, catching the desperation she was cramming down tight inside herself. She breathed deeply, took the mare in hand and forced her to behave herself.
She simply would not—she refused to—look over her shoulder, though she knew that Carey was there, staring at her departing back as she passed the gate and started down through Castlegate on the long road for Newcastle.
About fifteen minutes later, the large handsome charger was trotting down English street as well. When he was through Botchergate and past the Citadel, Carey put his heels in. The sheer pleasure of feeling the power in Thunder, as he made the transition faultlessly to a gallop, almost broke his dark mood. The sun was shining bright and the meadows round about were alive with men and women and carts, the women raking the golden hay into piles, the men flinging them up onto the tops of the wagons where boys and girls raked it all into shape. Every so often, a cart would rumble along the ruts to a barn or haystack and the same activity would start again in reverse. The pace seemed very hectic and Carey wondered why as he galloped past, given the warmth of the day and the clear harebell blue of the sky with a few clouds floating in from the west.
He caught up with them quickly and reined in, let Thunder get over his customary side-stepping and pawing as he came back to a sedate walk.
The look Elizabeth Widdrington gave him was not what he would have wished. Carey swept his hat off and bowed low in the saddle to her and tried to smile. He found that the steadiness of her grey glare was making him feel like a schoolboy in the middle of an escapade and for a moment he felt awkward. Then he had to grin.
‘Do tell me the joke, Sir Robert,’ Elizabeth said frostily.
He waved an arm expansively. ‘I was thinking that only the Queen and yourself can take me back to my schooldays so easily.’
Elizabeth faced forwards and said, ‘Humph.’
‘Thunder needed exercise,’ Carey explained innocently. ‘I thought I’d bring him along the Roman road for a while.’<
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She said ‘humph’ again. Thunder snorted and tried to speed up to go past, but Carey hauled him back. Young Henry Widdrington was pretending he hadn’t noticed Carey’s arrival but the wide neck at the base of his helmet was bright red and not from the sun.
‘Have I offended you again, my lady?’ he asked Elizabeth.
‘Do you understand the meaning of the word discretion?’ she asked very haughtily. Never mind, at least she was talking to him.
‘No, my lady,’ he said. ‘Please explain it to me.’
‘Oh, for goodness’ sake, you’re making a public exhibition of yourself. What do you expect me to do? Welcome you with a kiss?’
‘That would be nice,’ he said wistfully and wondered if she would slap him. She didn’t, but it looked like a near thing.
‘Haven’t you got anything better to do than make a nuisance of yourself?’ Elizabeth asked in tones that would have withered a tree. Lord, he liked looking at her when she was in a temper.
‘Yes, I have,’ he said. ‘I have piles of tedious papers to deal with and Scrope won’t let me have Bell to be my clerk today, so I have to write all the damn letters myself.’
‘It sounds as if you had best get back to work then.’
‘On the other hand, the sun is shining and Thunder…’
‘Needed exercise. So you said. You haven’t raised a sweat on him yet, so we’ll move aside for you and you can give him a good run. Then you can get back to your papers.’
‘To hell with the papers,’ Carey said conversationally, ‘I wanted to ride with you for a while.’
‘Why do you insist on making this so difficult for me?’ she asked, and for a moment he felt guilty. Only for a moment, though.
‘How am I making it difficult?’ he asked, deliberately obtuse. ‘I’m not in your way. I’m riding alongside in a perfectly proper manner. I thought you might like to be entertained with some conversation for a little of your long journey.’
‘I really don’t want to talk,’ she said, looking straight between her mare’s ears.